It's Back!

John provides our first announcement in just over a year!!

Dear pool friends,

The cyberstats are back. After an absence due to a few world wars your favourite community web link is back on air. Just navigate to and click on Pool Comp Stats. We had a 16 player comp on Wednesday with no buy backs. This is great news. Let's make it 32 next week. And if you think greed is good its $100 for first and a case of Hahn Premium for second (tax free). I want to make a special call to arms to all you girls out there, a bit of chick stick wouldn't go astray (thanks Kat for your attendance).


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Pool Venue

Peter provides a comprehensive update on the venue seach for the HPDP pool comp...

Ladies and gentlemen and others,

Firstly, sorry for the waffly email but it all needs to be said.

We have to make some sort of decision soon on the pool venue, especially if we want to be able to hold the Nick Power Cup this year. I think the following appear to be the latest updates in terms of potential venues. Please correct me if my memory fails me over the issue of... ummm.. what was it again?

Read on for the full discussion paper...VENUE UPDATE

Toccie - out of action for officially 4-6 weeks, unofficially 4-6 months based on the men's toilet renovation fiasco. The front pool bar is now intended to be the bottle shop. Under this arrangement, it appears unlikely that there will be an area allocated for pool tables anyway (unless they're planning on putting them in a portaloo caravan out the back as they tend to do during their renovations). With the inevitable construction delays plus the reconfiguration of the place, I'm suspecting the Toccie is going to be a non-starter for pool for the short or medium term.

HP - not opening till Dec. Unknown as to how many, if any, pool tables will be there. Obviously, the preferred long-term choice. Needs contact with new management to find out situation (ACTION ITEM)

Kauri - one pool table so only lends itself to a 16-player comp or will need about 5 hours for a 32-player comp so a Wed night may not be possible unless it's a real early start (or staggered start depending on ppl's availability). It has been suggested that we ask the mgmt if they'll get another table in... or indeed we do or at least subsidise a temporary additional pool table (how much does a pub pool table cost to rent?). Fairly large groundswell of support for the Kauri as a preferred venue. (ACTION ITEM)

AB - has the tables but doesn't have many of the other basic necessities for a pub in terms of customer service, etc. And besides, it was confirmed by Roeloff that they are definitely not interested in another pool comp. They currently hold a comp on Tuesday nights.

Roxbury - 3 tables on upper mezzanine level. Wed night they have a comedy night but this is in a function room on the mezzanine level. I confirmed with the pub that the pool tables are available for use on Wed nights. I didn't confirm whether we could reserve the tables for the comp, however, I'm sure if we had the numbers, they'd do a deal. Maybe we'll be able to reserve 2 of the 3 tables at least. (ACTION ITEM)

Doghouse (Casey's) - 2 tables, $2.50 schooners, 2 far and 2 much of a doghouse for many. The "been there, done that" attitude seems to prevail on this one.

North Annadale - ??? No idea. Dean might be able to add some detail about the pub and the church across the road... ooops ;) (ACTION ITEM)

PT's Deck (please ensure pronunication is correct) - yes, well this has been the most common suggestion. It involves either moving the Toccie's pool tables as well as most of the furniture across the road or simply hiring/making/stealing new tables. This will solve the Toccie's storage problems, will solve a major problem for us, but will, however, give my cleaning lady an apoplexy on Thurs mornings when she arrives... oh sorry, Thurs afternoon... or is it sometime next week.. maybe. The management of the Level 1 Club has decided against this option for reasons of public safety and IR issues concerning contract labour ;) (NON-ACTION ITEM)

Somewhere Else - the sponsor of this suggestion was informed that Somewhere Else went out of business many years ago when we stopped going there on Wed nights after the HP closed.

Anywhere Else - ???


Apart from finding a venue for the NPC, we may need to address other issues relating to who and how many play in the NPC this year.

Dean made a suggestion that we do a 16-player comp at the Kauri this Wed. That's a good suggestion in my book. However, the only problem is determining who plays in the NPC. We do have more than 16 players who still turn up regularly and would want to play in the NPC. So what criteria do we use to reduce the numbers? Did the person have to have been a mate of Nick or at least have known him? Or does simply being an HPDPer qualify someone?... err but does that mean all those on the mailing list for example cos there's heaps of them and many didn't know Nick or go to the HP.

Or maybe it doesn't matter cos general apathy will limit the number of people who turn up on Wed nite and everyone might get in... if we have enough for 16 even.

Suggestions have been made that the NPC could be run on, say, a Sunday arvo thus allowing enough time to run a 32-player comp. Any thoughts on that idea?

Anyway, let's get something sorted guys! Can you all please pass on this information to others who may not be on the mailing list... thanks.

At this stage, I think the general feeling is to meet at the Kauri tomorrow night.

Peter T

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NPC postponed! No pool tables for 4-6 weeks

Phil alerts us to the following newsflash:

Hi everyone,

Please find below a transcription of a letter I received last night from Simon at the Toxteth, as a result of which the 2006 Nick Power Cup is postponed indefinitely subject to confirmation of dates AND VENUE.

I would introduce it by stating that Simon was most apologetic and understanding of our position (namely that this is a completely unacceptable way to be treated). Simon himself was only informed on Monday as I understand things, and only becuase he pressed the issue with his "superiors".

I say this in an effort to have any dissatisfaction addressed to senior Toxteth management via the bar staff and management rather than to the people we see every day. The lack of notice appals me, but I (we) have seen such a thing first hand at the Harold.....

Note that this affects not only the pool comp, but pool playing at the Toxteth full stop for the period of renovations. As such over the next week I will be divesting myself of accrued toccie $ with whoever I see there. I will find somewhere else to go (at least in the short term), as I like to play pool with my beer....

Bring on the Harold Park....

So...... EVERYONE COME ON DOWN THIS WEEK!!!! It will be the last pool comp for at least a few weeks, and possibly one of the last held there.... The HP will not open in 4-6 weeks, but it must in 4-6 months.....



14th August 2006
Wednesday pool competition - postponement
Dear Phil,
This letter is with regret to inform you that as of Monday 21st August 2006 the Toxteth Hotel will be removing the pool tables for the purpose of Hotel improvements (renovations). It is unsure how long the renovations will take but we anticipate 4-6 weeks.
I hope that once the work is complete that you will continue to play your (my emphasis) Wednesday competition here at the hotel.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter and your patronage.

Simon Hovermann
Venue Manager
Toxteth Hotel.

Please feel free to leave a comment here or mail straight back to the list

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Where the bloody hell are you???

Phil writes in with a couple of announcements:

Hi All,

A number of pool comp announcements are due.

1) Where the bloody hell are you???

Those of you who HAVE been there will know that attendance has slipped badly. We have averaged 8 or more buybacks for over a month now, and last week I only ran a 16 person comp (twice as it turned out). Hopefully warmer weather and the approach of the 2006 Nick Power Cup will generate better attendance.

2) Nick Power Cup

I propose the dates of 13, 20 and 27 September. DEAN - how's that trophy engraving going?

And read on for the latest pool comp standings3) Pool Comp standings

Rank ~ Name ~ Points ~ Wins ~ 2nd

1 ~ BRIAN BUDD ~ 105 ~ 7 ~ -

2 ~ PT ~ 101.5 ~ 4 ~ 3

3 ~ PHIL ~ 80 ~ 3 ~ -

4 ~ COL ~ 74.5 ~ 2 ~ 3

5 ~ ROELOF ~ 64 ~ 1 ~ 2

6 ~ CHRIS ~ 45 ~ 1 ~ 2

7 ~ GEOFF ~ 44.5 ~ 1 ~ 2

8 ~ DANIEL T ~ 37.5 ~ - ~ 2

9 ~ DEAN ~ 37 ~ 1 ~ -

10 ~ JL ~ 33.5 ~ - ~ 1

Well done PT - surpassing the 100 point mark for the year - and almost equal to Brian. Well done JL - racing into the Top 10.

I look forward to seeing you all next week.


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All Pool Comp stats now complete

Phil writes Hi Everyone,

All pool comp stats have now been entered for this year.

Read on for Phil's summary or check the stats siteTop 20 Games Only - 6 qualifiers only

1 PT 84 points
2 Phil 65 points
3 Col 35.5 points
4 Roelof 35 points
5 Mond 23.5 points
6 Liz 5.5 points

Top 10 Overall

1 Brian 105 points
2 PT 85.5
3 Phil 66
4 Roelof 44.5
5 Chris 44
6 Col 35.5
7 Daniel T 34
8 Geoff 33.5
9 Graham 30
10 Chris M 25

See you tonight,


Posted in General

Pool standings

Read on for Phil's latest update of the pool comp standings...Hi All,

Current pool comp standings:

Rank ~ Name ~ Points ~ Wins ~ 2nd

1 ~ BRIAN ~ 105 ~ 7 ~ N/A

2 ~ PT ~ 82.5 ~ 3 ~ 3

3 ~ PHIL ~ 50 ~ 2 ~ N/A

4 ~ CHRIS ~ 41 ~ 1 ~ 2

5 ~ ROELOF ~ 38.5 ~ 1 ~ N/A

6 ~ DANIELT ~ 33 ~ N/A ~ 2

7 ~ COL ~ 32.5 ~ N/A ~ 2

7 ~ GEOFF ~ 32.5 ~ 1 ~ 1

9 ~ GRAHAM ~ 28 ~ 1 ~ N/A

10 ~ CHRISM ~ 27 ~ N/A ~ 2

Good to see Pete keeping some pressure on Brian, but I am enjoying starting to put some pressure on Pete ;-).

Happy long weekend everyone!


Posted in General

Pool Comp standings

Phil provides the following update

Hi Everyone,

Pool comp stats have finally been updated. Some minor placings for the early part of the year still need to be filled in (I will do so soon).

Read on for the StandingsRank Name Points Win

1 Brian 81 5

2 PT 76.5 3 (and 2 seconds)

3 Chris 40 1

4 Roelof 33.5 1

5 Phil 32 1

6 Daniel T 28

7 Graham 27 1

8 Chris M 24

9 Col 24

10 Geoff 23.5 1

I think this is an interesting stat - most times in 3rd round or better:

Rank Name Times

1 PT 9

2 Phil 8

3 Col 6

4 Brian 5

4 Roelof 5

4 Daniel T 5

4 Jo 5

8 Chris 4

8 Chris M 4

8 Ruby 4

8 Jeanny 4

8 Dean 4

8 David T 4

8 Lee 4

See you all tonight....

Go NSW!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Pool Comp results - more accurate

Our dedicated Comp organiser, Phil, writes:

Hi All,

Please find attached more up to date pool comp results for this year. I made a few errors in calculating the previously distributed results (notably that Brian has won only one comp this year, not two).

I have only added complete details for semi final placings or better for the last few weeks - but almost up to date data is now on the website....

PT remains our leader - even on the updated numbers (and is the only multiple winner this year)!


A table of the current standings....

Posted in General | Tagged comp

Toxteth Hotel Pool Comp Rules

In light of some continued problems with outside players engaging in questionable play during the comp, there was some discussion on the HPDP mailing list regarding rules about this behaviour. Our comp organiser, Phil, has provided a definitive list of rules for this week's comp:

Hi All,

The following rules will be displayed and adopted for this week's pool comp.

Toxteth Hotel Pool Comp Rules

1. 1 shot rule.

2. Honest attempt at own ball.

3. If big and small balls are potted off the break, then the breaker is on the first to fall. It is then the opponent’s shot.

4. If the white ball is potted or leaves the table, the white ball must be played forward from the line.

5. The black ball is to be placed on the spot when racking at the start of game.

6. Missing the black or hitting an opponent’s ball first is not loss of game. Any other foul on the black is.

7. If the black ball leaves the table it is loss of game.

8. Any other ball leaving the table will be replaced on, or as close as possible to, the spot.

9. In the event of a dispute the competition organiser may declare a winner or a re-rack.

10. The organiser’s decision is final.

11. The winner of the game will rack the balls for the next game.

Deliberate snookers and the potting of opponent’s balls is discouraged in the interest of a friendly game.


Please don't hesitate to make a comment and provide some feedback

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2005 Pool Comp Results

Happy New Year and welcome to 2006 from the administrators. Here's the details that we've all been waiting for, from Phil, these are the 2005 Pool Comp Results:

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year to you all. I have finally updated the last few weeks of pool comp results for 2005. Top 10 in the final standings are:

Rank ~ Name ~ Points

1 ~ BRIAN BUDD ~ 208

2 ~ PHIL ~ 192.5 (Only one comp win behind D'oh!!!)

3 ~ PAUL Z ~ 144

4 ~ COL ~ 123.5

5 ~ BEN ~ 85.5

6 ~ DEAN ~ 80.5

7 ~ PT ~ 69.5

8 ~ JASE ~ 68

9 ~ ROELOF ~ 64

10 ~ JOSH ~ 60

Read on for more juicy details...Another consistent year from regular top 5 finishers Col, Dean, PT, Ben and yours truly - only Brian and Paul keeping Dean and PT out of the Top 5 again. Good work Ben, given you missed almost half the year.

The Best 20 weeks Comp finished as follows (Brian played 19 weeks, Paul played 15):

1 PHIL 169

2 COL 109

3 BEN 82

4 DEAN 68

5 JASE 65

6 PT 56.5


8 MOND 52

9 JO 46.5

10 MAURO 45

11 SPIDER 38

12 KARINA 32

13 GARTH 30

14 HARRY 25


16 GEOFF 22

17 XAVIER 17

17 LAURIE 17

19 JOHN 15

I will be there for a comp tomorrow night. I understand there was even a 24 person comp run on the 28/12 - but I wouldn't know anything about that.

Oh - special mention to Jo Proctor who made it to 48 out of a possible 50 comps. PT, Mond, Dean, Roelof, John L and Col all also managed to rack up more appearances than I did (42 - thanks to Dean and Col who ran the comp in the weeks I couldn't be there).

Wishing you all a great 2006,


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