High Jinx
High Jinx is a cartoon, often observing current HPDP events, regularly published in the Glebe Globe.
All cartoons republished with kind permission of the author and the Glebe Globe
Musical Tables
John observes the ups and downs...
Hi pool freaks,
The tables are now back downstairs and we're into the swing of pool + trivia night from the olden days. Justin and Dave G are now on level pegging snapping at Peter T's heels. Three freshies on board including Donie, Andy and Callie (yet another lovely lady).
Peace and all that stuff,
Same ol' same ol'
John drones on...
Yeah really boring. Five beautiful ladies, full 32 comp, yeah, just like the old days, really boring. Oh, and regards the video blog poll; so far two in favour, one against.
16 with buybacks
Newsman JL informs...
A slow one last night rescued by four freshies. Hello to Mauro, Johnny, Jason K and Ian. And can you believe it, despite another first round loss, Peter T continues to dominate with a respectable margin, though Dean is creeping up.
Excuse me
At 23:39, John wrote:
Just thought you'd like to know that Peter T and Dean lost in the first round. They told me to tell you that actually. Not that it's just about the pool eh H? The exciting bit is an an ex HP freshie arrived tonight, Nathan X. Used to drink there in the olden days. And now he's doing a PhD in Philosophy. And who said that pool was the road to ruin? Oh. yeah, and Justin was fucking excellent tonight - I swear. But, he decided to go the high risk, high return route ... and lost! Oh, and H wears army boots.
JL (love always)
Another monologue
John hints in vain...
Hello sleepy heads,
It's the weekly intrusion on your inbox here. I guess there's still somebody out there so I'll keep reporting until the food runs out. Anyway, another 16 comp last night with freshie Mick T taking out the title. There were some old familiar faces there, not playing pool but just having a jolly nice time with the Harold Doctor. So let that be a hint!
Yours most sincerely,
Glebe Globe reporter Peter warns...
Glebe, 6 March 2008
This is to advise that Sydney streets, in particular those in Glebe, may be subject to serious disruption and safety concerns. Whilst ongoing roadworks on Glebe Point Road are currently caused some safety issues, a new threat to public safety has just emerged.
It has been announced today that Drew Sullivan (barman, Harold Park Hotel) passed his driving test this morning. As a result, all pedestrians are advised to take extreme care when crossing roads or even walking on the footpath. Please assume that nowhere is safe. The elderly and infirmed are particularly vunerable.
Drivers should show a heightened level of vigilence and continuously check rear-vision mirrors and side streets for any signs of hoonish and reckless driving indicating the possible presence of Mr Sullivan. Should he be observed driving, he should not be approached and immediate steps taken to protect yourselves and then to advise relevant authorities.
G, Dave ... nice work
John writes in with his congratulations...
That's right folks, an inaugural win for the tireless Dave G last night. Congratulations. A tight 16 comp with no buybacks. Sadly, no one is approaching Peter T's 64. Come on dudes! Welcome freshies for 2008 Tom J, Joey, Harry and Yvonne (nice boots!)
New Comers
In light of the previous announcement, welcoming new comers to the competition, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind HPDPers, new and old, that we have a mailing list.
All of John's news flashes are made direct to the mailing list, along with other tantalising discussion. If you'd like to join, please email us at admin at hpdp.org.au.