Foot Feetish

Just when you thought it was safe to take off your sox.

Posted in Video | Tagged dvdadan feet


  1. Really it is quite amazing what is allowed thorugh onto the internet these days. I wonder where all the censors have gone? Wy aren't they doing their job? Why aren't pornographers like this forced to toe the line?
  2. Jink, I noted your concern at the quality of censorship these days. I also hark back to the times when you, as head censor, would let through (to quote you) "any old crap with tits, bums and donkeys in it including my own hardcore homemade productions I'd sneak into the projectionist booth". So yes, I agree that we need to improve censorship finally - we need to cut to the quick, be on the ball and nail these guys before they spoil it for everyone by trying to force their smelly foot fetishes on us in a blatant attempt to replace hoof with foot!!! Animals of the world unite to protect your livelihoods!!! ... Baaader Moohoof Brigade spokesheifer